Grounding in our dreams, Myst of Divine Masculine
This Myst is a powerful grounding blend, stimulating the dream state to uncover and identify records held in your Soul’s records. Encapsulating vibrations of the Wild Mushrooms, this grounding alchemical blend activates your web of accessibility to everything on one’s field simultaneously.
- Grounding in your dreams, birthing Reality into Being
- Drinking from the Akashic Well of Wisdom
- Aids in the activation of Astral Journeying
- Deciphering life’s mysteries to align unseen creative potencies.
- Myst of ‘Divine Masculine’; holding strength on the journey of ascension
TOTEM ~ Raven
- 'Seer' of intelligent vision
- “Right moment at the right time”
- Introspection
- Self-knowledge
- Rebirth
SCENT ~ deep earthy flavours of the soil, awakening you to your own Godly nature through the grounding scents of Lovage and Cedar.
We ❤️ Akashic Myst for it's centering affect with it's strong and deep aroma. It quickly grounds us in our sense of being, when the energy around us is chaotic or fragmented.
❤️❤️❤️ Akashic Myst is an 'energetic match' to Grounding Essence
Love, Wild Spring Water, Biodynamic Flower and Gemstone Essences, Organic Vodka, Organic Solubiliser (Coconut and Almond), 24K Gold Ormus, Potentiated Crystals
Flower Essences
Eyelash Orchid ~ Blue Lily ~ Queen flower ~ Dream herb ~ Mapacho
Essential Oils
Lovage ~ Patchouli ~ Cedarwood ~ Spruce ~ Blood Orange ~ Myrrh
* NOTE: Caution should be used during pregnancy - please seek advice from your health professional before use of essential oils